Be black. Be white.

Think about it, no matter how hard you try not to make bad choices or how many nights you lose sleep over what you really want to do with this one chance that you get at life, it never turns out the way you had imagined for it to be. In fact, it resembles littleContinue reading “Be black. Be white.”

The world wants you to be strong.

You know what, let’s be those people who care, the kind who doesn’t shy away from the idea of intimacy nor hesitate to love unconditionally. Let’s be the kind who stays a while longer, to be the shoulder for anybody who seeks one, a home for anybody who needs one. To be that person whoContinue reading “The world wants you to be strong.”

The Beauty of The Dark

I’m getting disturbingly affectionate with the dark, lately. In a way that makes an alarm go off in my brain every time I take a step towards the black hole of nothingness, through the shadows of the damned, holding hands with everything that’s bound to destroy what’s left of my soul. But to be honest,Continue reading “The Beauty of The Dark”

What a wonderful world.

Dreaming about a land where confetti boxes are filled with happiness,Hope grows from earth where seeds are sown,Where no amount of hurt is strong enough to hold on after a rain,Sugar in the chocolate’s just a synonym for joy,Dreams come true with every breath we take,A place where pain comes to bid it’s final goodbyes,AContinue reading “What a wonderful world.”

My truth.

Constantly searching for a home in someone yet to be known,Desperately trying to avoid my own truth.When the time comes,Why do I still feel so unprepared, even now,Even after this many failed attempts? Owing my all to all whom I hurtIn the name of something far less than reality.Hiding behind shadows,Far from light.Finding comfort inContinue reading “My truth.”

Just another one of those incidents in the life of a young girl.

“No” she whispered. As quietly as she could.  Was it to not let others hear them in that dark corner of the road, or was it just not to hurt his feelings that much? He still kept on coming closer to her, gently crushing her against that old and crumbling wall, trying to remove thoseContinue reading “Just another one of those incidents in the life of a young girl.”


“So it’s goodbye then?” She asked, trying to bring a smile to her face that was so wet with the tears that kept on flowing through her cheeks, not ready to give in to the fake happy face that she was so desperately trying to put on. Everything in his life was going wrong, butContinue reading “Fireplay”

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